X-Ray Ball arcanoid, 3d, remake, x-ray, ball, classic, game, advanced, entertainment, alawar

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X-Ray Ball XRay Ball takes arkanoid to a new level.

Type: Shareware
Price $ 19.95 /
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File size: 10185 Kb
Date: 09/21/2004
Install support: Install and Uninstall
OS: Win95, Win98, WinME, WinXP, Windows2000, Windows2003
System requirements: Pentium-600 / 64M RAM / 3M Video 3D
Language: English

X-Ray Ball 1.21
[Homepage] - by: Alawar Entertainment - Click here to download X-Ray Ball

XRay Ball takes arkanoid to a new level.
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XRay Ball is a highly addictive remake of an old arkanoid game with a lot of effects, bonuses, levels, etc. Your primary goal is to destroy all bricks on the level. Secondary - get the highest score in the score table. You can use simply your bat to destroy the level, or picking up bonuses. When the game field will be cleared, and no more breakable bricks left on it, the level will be finished. There is no need to destroy invulnerable and unique bricks to pass the level, But destroying them will give you additional score.

Recent changes in this Major Update:
Now you have two pads, two playing fields and tons more other minor improvements, like option to save game screenshots.

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XRay Ball takes arkanoid to a new level. arcanoid, 3d, remake, x-ray, ball, classic, game, advanced, entertainment, alawar

arcanoid, 3d, remake, x-ray, ball, classic, game, advanced, entertainment, alawar 3D gameplay compete with innovative approach make XRay Ball not a simple remake but rather a product of evolution of the popular arcade. Enjoy new game elements and fun bonuses that bolster game performance and make it much more intriguing.