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1. IndustryPlayer 6.60 (268)
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New games and upgrades, last 20 new entries

DOFUS 2.3 Sep 17, 2011 16:28 New
DOFUS is a Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. Being a mixture of video game and interactive animated cartoon, DOFUS brings a new concept within online games.
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Daimonin Nov 27, 2010 11:06 New
FREE isometric real-time massive multiplayer Online RPG. 2d/3d graphics, 3d sound effects, digital ambient music. Fast expanding world & community. Thousands of items, spells, monsters, quests... Group playing, guilds and clans. With Map Editor!
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King-war 1.6 Oct 17, 2010 16:12 New
King-war is a free multiplayer online strategy war game that situated in the continent of Carlos, a continent where five races dominate: Human, Undead, Elven, Beast and Monster.
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WebStratego 7.0.9 Sep 17, 2010 16:43 New
WebStratego enables players from around the world to compete head-to-head in real time in an online adaptation & extension of the classic strategy game. In addition to original rules, many unique features make the gameplay more exciting than ever
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Furcadia 27B Jan 9, 2010 17:32 New
Furcadia is a fully graphical, Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG). Participate in games, make friends, roleplay, join a guild, tell stories, create your own world and meet interesting people from all over the world.
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Tams11 Ur Jun 16, 2009 14:05 New
Online version of the ancient game called the Royal game of UR. Each players receives 7 chips. The object of the game is to move all 7 of yours chips from start to home. Landing on your opponent's chip will move him back to home.
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IndustryPlayer 5.75 Apr 4, 2008 20:02 New
IndustryPlayer is a multi-player business simulation game. You take the role of an entrepreneur and build industrial companies in up to 16 real-life industry sectors. Enter a world of never ending competition and challenge your management skills!
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Get Tiffany 4.3b Feb 22, 2008 15:27 Minor Update
Get Tiffany is a PG-13 rated multiplayer game that pits you against three other real players for the attention of Tiffany. Chat with other players, post in the forum and pimp out your clothing in this psychological battle to become the alpha-male.
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grubs 1.00 May 31, 2006 16:56 New
Welcome to the world of garden creepy-crawlies! In this game you control a grub (a weird creature you find in your back yard), using ONLY one button.
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Wordline May 3, 2006 08:45 New
You compete in this online word game to form the longest word using the top letters of each column. The longer the word, the more bonus points you receive. In order to play Wordline with others, download the Tams11 Lobby from
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Dartzee Apr 29, 2006 08:11 New
Dartzee is a multi-player online dice game and is equipped with one computer player for solo play. Dice are used to determine the darts. Scoring is set up like the dart game Cricket. Get the Tams11 Lobby at to play with others online.
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