Multis Multis, Kiddis, Tritis, Tetris, Quadris, Pentis, Hexis, Randis, Maxis, Craizis, Fantis, Patterns

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Multis Tetris/Tritis/Pentis/etc... games with Clean/Trash/Pattens modes.

Type: Freeware

File size: 1018 Kb
Date: 01/21/2005
Install support: Install and Uninstall
OS: Win95, Win98, WinME, WinNT 4.x, WinXP, Windows2000
System requirements: Pentium II 400MHz CPU, 16MB RAM, 4MB Video, 2MB Disk
Language: English, Russian

Multis 6.0
[Homepage] - by: Chrystal Softworks - Click here to download Multis

Tetris/Tritis/Pentis/etc... games with Clean/Trash/Pattens modes.
Click to enlarge

Hi-End Multi - Tetris. Tetris/Tritis/Pentis/etc... games with Clean/Trash/Pattens modes.
Full customizable user interface and huge game play options. Total free.
For addons, upgrades and help, please, visit web page of the game.
* Game with clean stock, "trash" or patterns.
* Ten shape types (include two special).
* Adjustable stock width and height.
* Fixed or random shape colors.
* Eight shape skins.
* Smooth shape motion.
* Ten skill levels.
* Scalable window.
* Full screen mode!
* Plain or 3D view.
* 16777216 colors palette.
* Background wallpapers (multigraphical).
* GDI/DirectX/OpenGL rendering.
* Play animation.
* Internal or external music.
* Extended sounds.
* Accessibility options.
* Demo mode.
* Complete game statistics.
* High scores table.
* Patterns editor.
* Hypertext help system.

Recent changes in this Major Update:
OpeGL and DirectX support, WindowsXP compatibility

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Multis, Kiddis, Tritis, Tetris, Quadris, Pentis, Hexis, Randis, Maxis, Craizis, Fantis, Patterns,

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Tetris/Tritis/Pentis/etc... games with Clean/Trash/Pattens modes. Multis, Kiddis, Tritis, Tetris, Quadris, Pentis, Hexis, Randis, Maxis, Craizis, Fantis, Patterns

Multis, Kiddis, Tritis, Tetris, Quadris, Pentis, Hexis, Randis, Maxis, Craizis, Fantis, Patterns Hi-End Multi - Tetris. Tetris/Tritis/Pentis/etc... games with Clean/Trash/Pattens modes. Full customizable user interface and huge game play options. Total free. For addons, upgrades and help, please, visit web page of the game.