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jk-ware Color LIFE Sound Perpetuum mobile for Pocket PC Perpetuum mobile Blocker Plains Color LIFE for Pocket PC Perpetuum mobile for CE Blocker Plains for PocketPC jk-ware Theater


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jk-ware products:
Color LIFE Sound 7.0
Color LIFE illustrates the reproduction behavior of microorganisms. The reproduction rules can be free selected likewise the incremental width and output time of the generations. Color LIFE Sound plays the cell-pattern with 3D-Tones.

Perpetuum mobile for Pocket PC 3.3
Perpetuum mobile highlights continually moving and rotating balls. Up to 500 balls can be shown at one time. The ball movement can be selected to follow gravitation rules or be manipulated impulsively.

Perpetuum mobile 7.0
Perpetuum mobile highlights in a rotating show space continually moving and rotating balls. Up to 500 balls jump in an area around. The ball movement can take place with gravity and impulsively. Hereby special effects come to the validity.

Blocker Plains 7.0
Blocker Plains is a reaction game with six levels, an unlimited number of balls, 50 stone plains and a freely movable Blocker. Eight sound themes with different listener positions and changing backgrounds makes Blocker Plains a fun experience.

Color LIFE for Pocket PC 3.3
The reproduction rules can be free selected likewise the incremental width and output time of the generations. Color-palettes can be produced on your own. With a shape-run, new rules and nice graphics can be found.

Perpetuum mobile for CE 3.1
Perpetuum mobile realizes continually moving and rotating balls. The ball-movement can take place with gravity and impulsively. Different spectator-positions can be selected. The user can plan diverse attitudes with dialogue-sides.

Blocker Plains for PocketPC 3.3
Blocker Plains is a reaction game with six levels, an unlimited number of balls, 50 stone plains and a freely movable Blocker. Seven captivating sound themes and changing backgrounds makes Blocker Plains a fun experience.

jk-ware Theater 4.0
jk-ware Theater is a playful PC testing application containing three games Blocker Plains, Color LIFE Sound and Perpetuum mobile, that can be run simultaneously to evaluate PC performance.

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