Bar Dice Bar,Fun,Casino,Card
Type: Freeware
File size: 5771 Kb Date: 12/22/2014 HomepageInstall support: Install and Uninstall OS: Android, iPhone, iPod, iTouch, iOS System requirements: Android 2.3+ Language: English
Bar Dice 7.0 [ Homepage] - by: DbFace - Click here to download Bar Dice  Click to enlargeDescription:It is a dice game using android motion sensor and 3D graphics. You shake your phone and the dice cup will shake too. The dice keep rolling inside until you stop. After you open the dice cup, the final points will be displayed. You can also change the background scene and the cup material. It is a funny game in bars with your friends and family. Recent changes in this Major Update: First Release Remarks - Comments ( Add a remark about this game) |
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Bar,Fun,Casino,Card It is a dice game using android motion sensor and 3D graphics. You shake your phone and the dice cup will shake too. The dice keep rolling inside until you stop.